Rainwater Catchment Rebate and Streamflow Enhancement Pilot Project

In partnership with Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (Gold Ridge RCD), Sonoma Resource Conservation District (Sonoma RCD), Daily Acts, County of Sonoma and the California Department of Water Resources, rebates were available for rainwater harvesting systems installed in Sonoma County. Rebates were provided for both small and large rainwater capture systems, based on a limited-time, first-come, first-served basis. The program was designed to reduce the barriers to installation by increasing the affordability of these systems and providing technical assistance for system design, installation, and troubleshooting.
Program objectives:
- Small system rebates were provided for rainwater catchment of less than 5,000 gallons, up to $0.50 per gallon of storage and were made available through the City of Healdsburg, City of Santa Rosa, and Daily Acts. So far, the small system rebates added 113,570 gallons of storage throughout Sonoma County.
- Large system rebates were provided for rainwater catchment of 5,000 gallons or more and were provided by Gold Ridge RCD. So far, the large system rebates added 141,465 gallons of storage throughout Sonoma County.
- Technical assistance and rainwater catchment designs were provided by Gold Ridge RCD, available through a first-come, first serve basis. Gold Ridge provided 53 design plans to residents.
- Trainings were provided through the QWEL Rainwater Catchment Module which included 16 hours of in-class instruction. 45 landscapers successfully completed the training course. The QWEL Rainwater Catchment Module development included producing a manual for landscapers to learn how to design and install a rainwater catchment system in Sonoma County. The Manual was developed in both English and Spanish.

Thank you to all of our partners and sponsors!