Program Directory
In addition to the Programs offered by the individual partners, there are numerous programs offered Region-wide, such as the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper, High-Efficiency Washer Rebate, Green Business Program, and more.
Use the filter options below to select your region, local water provider and/or program type to see all the programs available to you. If you do not know who provides your water, you can look up your address on the find your local provider page before getting started with the directory below.
Cash for Grass Rebate
Valley of the Moon Water District is offering water customers cash for reducing the amount of lawn area in their landscapes, subject to the District’s annual budget limit.
Cash for Grass Rebate
Low water, native adapted landscapes can be vibrant, use less water and promote wildlife habitat! The City of Santa Rosa can help offset some of the costs of your new garden with a rebate to help with the cost of removing your lawn.
Cash for Grass Rebate
The City of Sonoma is offering a cash for grass rebate for the removal of turf that reduces the need for irrigation.
Cash for Grass Rebate
The City of Cotati is offering residential and commercial customers rebates in return for reducing the amount of lawn area in their landscapes and replacing with low water use landscapes.
Cash for Grass Rebate
Marin Water is currently offering customers a cash for grass rebate for replacing grass in their landscapes.
Cash for Grass Rebate
The City of Healdsburg is offering water customers cash for reducing the amount of lawn area in their landscapes.
Cash for Grass Rebate
The City of Rohnert Park is offering residents a cash rebate to replace their high water use lawns.

- Sonoma County
DIY Energy & Water Savings Toolkit
The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Home Energy and Water Saving Toolkits are stocked with energy and water saving supplies that can help measure how much energy or water is being consumed in the home and make easy upgrades to your home to help save money on the utilities bills.

Flume Flow Meters
Marin Water is offering Flume Smart Home Water Monitors for just $69 (plus tax and shipping) after installation to single-family residential customers. This 67% discount is made possible through a partnership with Flume Water and the California Water Efficiency Partnership. The Flume device is easy to install and attaches to your existing water meter. Through a WiFi connection, the Smart Home Water Monitor gives customers information about their water use, potential leaks, and incidences of high-water use in real-time. Leak notifications can be sent directly to your smartphone. With Flume, you can learn more about how you use water at home and so you find ways to use less. PLEASE NOTE: Current and newly retrofitted AMI Smart Meters are not compatible with Flume.
Free Mulch Program
Rohnert Park is offering FREE mulch to residents. Our mulch pile is located in the Callinan Sports Center parking lot, at 5405 Snyder Lane. Self-service only so bring your shovel and load up as much as you want!

- Sonoma County
Garden Sense
Garden Sense consultants will help you plan a beautiful water-wise garden. Request a Garden Sense consultation if you would like assistance with planning and preparing for a beautiful, water-wise landscape, switching from sprinklers to drip irrigation, selecting the right plants for your location, and assessing irrigation system for leaks.

- Sonoma County, Marin County
Green Business Program
Get recognized as a Green Business through the Green Business Program. The program is available to most small and medium sized organizations and includes free onsite assessments and cost-saving recommendations. Green Businesses take measures to conserve water and energy, reduce waste and prevent pollution. Learn more about what it takes to become a Green Business and get recognized as a community leader. Businesses located in Sonoma County can contact their Program Coordinator at (707) 565-6470,; Marin County businesses can participate by contacting Mark Chhabria at (415) 473-3069 or visit their website at